Practical theory and musicianship


Total lesson: 8

Duration of each lesson: 45 mins

Course content:

  • internalize music and reproduce it

  • enhance the aural ability with theory bases

  • develop and consolidate music foundations

  • basic technique of composing and improvisation

Target student:

  • beginners hoping to enhance practical aural skills with theory bases

  • replacement of ABRSM grade 5 theory exam

  • study further in music or composing

 Online support/follow up:

  • lesson materials will be uploaded in google drive before the lesson

  • teacher will give assignments and comments every lesson 

  • teacher will form a Whatsapp/Signal group and answer the questions after lesson

  • teacher will give the recording of lesson if the student is absent with approved reason* in advance.

*Teacher of Swan Musika reserves the final decision


Should you have any inquiries about the course, please contact us for more details.